July 18, 2007

Open Office

Now every one likes the "David and Goliath" Story and it is even more fun when it happens the IT world ! Now everyone hates Microsoft like they hate being fat, you want to get rid of it but just can't !!And are hopping for an anti trust suite that will shred it into different companies like standard oil.

Until then we can support the david...Openoffice

Now my friends used to rant about how there isn't an alternative to MS office that they can use, pardoning their ignorance, the alternative is Openoffice and better still its FREE !

This is a product of the Open source ideology, check out the history

The thing that I like about it that you can contribute to the cause in anyway you can.

Installing it is pretty much like any other software :-

And you get almost all the app you need for basic office (you even get OpenOffice Draw similar to corel draw)

Writer = Ms Word + Frontpage
Calc = Ms Excel
Impress = Ms PowerPoint
Draw = Coreldraw
Base = Ms access
Math = Ms equation editor

Now I will post a details review of each product over a period but here are the few awesome features

  1. Using Math you can embed scientific formulae in writer etc !
  2. you can save Impress (presentation) as a Flash file swf !!
  3. Email your documents - WRITER offers direct connection to email software.
  4. Make your documents freely available with WRITER's HTML export to the web, or publish in Portable Document Format (.pdf) to guarantee that what you write is what your reader sees
And wait for this.... all the microsoft files (.doc, .ppt, .xls etc ) will open in openoffice !